Rad-icon 2329

Portable X-Ray Detectors

Illustration of:<p><b>Rad-icon</b> 2329</p>

Resolution 49.5 µm

Dimensions 23x29 cm

Weight 8 Kg

Products NDT Detectors
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Discover Rad-icon 2329

With a resolution of 49.5 µm for an active area of 230×290 mm (9×11.4 in), the Rad-icon 2329 is the only detector on the market with such a high resolution to image size ratio.

The image quality reaches class B (ISO 17636-2) for almost all your applications.

High definition, user-friendly, light-weight, real-time feedback, shock absorbing!

Featuring Teledyne DALSA’s high-resolution CMOS detector, the Rad-icon 2329 is without a doubt the perfect NDT solution when it comes to image quality, ease of use, handiness, and reliability.

Product informations

Unit Value
Technology - CMOS Active Pixel
Pixel Pitch µm 49.5
Active Area mm/in 228 x 292 / 9 x 11.5
Active Resolution pxl 4608 x 5890
Data Interface - GigE
ADC Conversion bits 14
Frame Rate - 1x1 (GigE) fps up to 2
Power Supply - Main
Power Consumption W 15 to 40
Overall Dimension (without sleeve) mm/in 331 x 331 x 23 / 13 x 13 x 0.9
Overall Weight (without sleeve) Kg/lbs 8 / 17.6
Operating Temperature C°/F° 0 to +50 / +32 to +122
Storage Temperature C°/F° -10 to +55 / +14 to +131
Humidity % R. H. 20 to 80
X-Ray Energy Range kV 10 to 225
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